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Boss’s Day Gift Ideas for Every Personality

On Boss's Day, honor your supervisors by giving them a thoughtful token of your appreciation.

Madeline Brik

Oct 04, 2022

It's time to celebrate the head honcho with some Boss's Day gift ideas!

Boss's Day, which is observed every year on Oct. 16, is a day for employees to acknowledge their managers for all the hard work they do throughout the year. The idea came about when an insurance company employee named Patricia Bays Haroski registered the day as a holiday back in 1958 in honor of her boss — who also happened to be her father. She chose Oct. 16 because it was her father's birthday, and she wanted it to be remembered as the day that strengthens the bond between employers and their workers.

Nowadays, we still honor our supervisors by giving them a thoughtful token of our appreciation. But how do you pick the right present for the captain of the ship? The first step is to think about their personality and management style.

Here are some helpful Boss's Day gift ideas that are a perfect fit for any type of boss.

Boss's day gift ideas with a box of savory BBQ snacks.

Fun gifts for the laid-back boss

Business in the front, party in the back! This boss knows how to run a successful operation — and have a good time doing it. For the free spirit with a great sense of humor, give them something unique that will make them smile.

Boss's Day gift for her: Red or white sangria kit

Boss's Day gift for him: Bring Home the Bacon Gift Box

Boss's gift ideas with a box of cheese, wine and crackers.

Sophisticated gifts for the ritzy boss

Always dressed to the nines and spotted at the swankiest hangouts, this boss lives the high life. Give them something tasteful that will look nice in their corner office or complement their luxurious lifestyle.

Boss's Day gift for her: Gourmet Cheese Gift with Wine

Boss's Day gift for him: Money Tree Plant

Boss's gift ideas with a yellow gift basket full of spa items.

Revitalizing gifts for the hardworking boss

These movers and shakers keep your workplace going, tirelessly working from sunrise to sunset to ensure that both you and the company are successful. Give your overachieving boss a gift that will help them relax and re-energize after putting in all those hours.

Boss's Day gift for her: Spa Bath and Body Gift Set

Boss's Day gift for him: Home Luxury Spa Kit for Men

Boss's day gift ideas with a box of tea next to a cup of tea.

Out-of-the-box gifts for the innovative boss

These guys or gals are always one step ahead of the game, their fresh, new ideas holding the promise of a thriving future. Fuel your boss's creativity by giving them a gift that's as innovative as they are.

Boss's Day gift for her: Tea Forte Soleil Tea Gift Box

Boss's Day gift for him: NFL Ventura Portable Reclining Stadium Seat

Boss's gift ideas with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries that say "thank you".

Inspirational gifts for the encouraging boss

The ultimate team player, this boss has faith in their staff and can stir up your enthusiasm with a motivational speech on the fly. This Boss's Day, return the favor by presenting them with a spirit-raising keepsake or treat.

Boss's Day gift for her: Thank You Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

Boss's Day gift for him: Juniper Bonsai


Madeline Brik Headshot