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A Very Untraditional Eggs Benedict

As if eggs Benedict wasn’t decadent enough, we decided to add lobster! Lobster!

Autumn Micketti

Apr 19, 2024

Eggs Benedict has maintained its supremacy as a breakfast and brunch fixture for over a century. The mélange of a toasted English muffin, salty Canadian bacon, soft poached egg, and buttery hollandaise is something morning dining aficionados dream about during the week.

While the origin of this dish may be hard to pin down, historians agree that it was born in New York City, and since then this brunch dish has seen multiple iterations. From the sautéed spinach of the eggs Florentine to the anchovies and slow-cooked artichokes of the eggs Sardou, many chefs have left their mark on this glorious dish. You can even make an eggs Benedict casserole!

This eggs Benedict recipe is untraditional in two ways. Instead of the usual thick slices of Canadian bacon, we’re using wild lobster tails from Maine. Yes, lobster tails! The second untraditional tweak is the absence of hollandaise. Now, before you gasp and clutch your pearls, consider this: brown butter drizzled over succulent, juicy, lobster tails topped with lemon zest and chives. It’s almost like eating a lobster roll but with the added bonus of spicy arugula and a perfectly poached egg to make it extra decadent.

Of course, if you prefer to stick with tradition, we won’t stop you from drowning your Lobster Eggs Benedict in rich and creamy hollandaise. If you’re not feeling up for making it from scratch, then simply grab a hollandaise sauce kit for a quick fix.

Lobster Eggs Benedict

Creative Project
  • 4 large eggs
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 Wolferman's English Muffins (split and toasted)
  • 2 cups fresh arugula
  • 8 ounces Vital Choice lobster tail (cooked)
  • Salt and fresh black pepper
  • Lemon zest
  • Fresh chives or parsley (for garnish)
  1. Bring a large pot of water to a gentle simmer. Crack each egg into a small bowl. Create a gentle whirlpool in the simmering water and carefully slide each egg into the center. Poach for about 3 minutes for a soft yolk. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel.

  2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over medium-low heat until it turns golden brown and develops a nutty aroma, about 3-4 minutes. Be careful not to burn the butter.

  3. Place the toasted English muffin halves on serving plates. Top each half with a handful of fresh arugula. Carefully place a poached egg on the fresh greens, then add the lobster meat. Drizzle the brown butter generously over the egg and lobster.

  4. Sprinkle salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and the lemon zest over the top and garnish with fresh chives or parsley if desired.

Chicago-based Emma Bice writes about food, city living, and travel for her website, Our Countertop.

3 delicious eggs Benedict recipes

Smoked salmon eggs Benedict on a plate.
Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict
Eggs Benedict casserole in a dish.
Overnight Eggs Benedict Casserole
Eggs Benedict with artichokes and fruit.
Eggs Benedict With a Mediterranean Twist

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